He was jailed for cruelty to insects, and his agent wasn’t answering the phone, so he stayed awake in the cell all night, pictures jumping around his head of the cops and the blowdryer they took as evidence. He used...
How many days did I write then look into a mirror and see no face? That summer the fish were cooked in milk of the coconuts we found and ground. The frothing liquid boiled the fish whole. I ate the bones clean. What if I had...
We spend the evening listening to folk songs from the early 2000s. Make a stew. Cut carrots the color of Halloween or your brother’s nail polish. Rib eye and onions. Oyster mushrooms dug out of the earth by some guy...
1. If a house is haunted like a radio is haunted If a body is a radio of blood If a body of ghosts hums like blood over a valley of bone If blood is a...
In springtime, chief of all seasons, in May when new joys rise and flourish, the sun is lord and messenger at once and sends down to us to rouse our bodies and be merry: humankind to...
Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento. Verdes ramas. El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montaña. Con la sombra en la cintura, ella sueña en su baranda verde carne, pelo verde, con ojos de fría plata. Verde que te quiero verde. Bajo la luna gitana, las...
A woman leans against a man who leans against a brick wall watching cars stop like dead men on this one-way street. Some dude glares like O-Dog from Menace, his face towards some street we'll never remember where a man...
Hunger like her mama
Most strong in White gaze as in
a Cowbird’s flirtation
Sprouted in eyes to tongues
to bellies pregnant with stolen milk
to restless hands
These fingernails filled with Black body,
Green I want you green green wind green branches Boat on the sea and horse on the mountain Shadow on her waist she dreams at her railing green flesh green hair eyes of cold silver Green I want you green Under the gypsy moon things are seeing her but she can’t...