
By Srikanth Reddy
In Mojave Ghost, Forrest Gander recounts his 800-mile journey into the slow time of grief.

By Bianca Stone
I think of the importance for the poet of finding a place in which to cultivate reverie, a state which I link to revelations.
By Mathias Svalina
Suddenly I got why writers write all those books about the color blue, immersive as a dream.
By Daegan Miller
Hannah Arendt was the rare philosopher who saw how limited her discipline could be. Poetry offered her another outlet for thinking.
Poem Guides
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Prose from Poetry Magazine
By Elizabeth AcevedoI was bestowed a gift: I was invited to join a lineage of poets who advocate for poetry by and for young people.
- Foundation News
Updates to the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships and the Pegasus Award for Poetry Criticism Application Process