I don’t like being photographed. When we kissed at a wedding, the night grew long and luminous. You unhooked my bra. A photograph passes for proof, Sontag says, that a given thing has happened. Or you leaned back to watch as I eased the straps...
“You can’t kiss a movie,” Jean-Luc Godard said, and this is mostly true, in that you cannot initiate the kiss. The Movie could initiate the kiss if The Movie wanted, as it is so much taller, leaning in, no way...
At evening they bore the stranger into the death parlor; a scent of tar; the faint rustling of red sycamores; the dark flight of jackdaws; guard was set up on the square. The sun has sunk into black linen; again and again this...
Crip (noun): slang for a disabled person/the whole of the disabled community/ a school of thought Example: “I’m on crip time” Meaning: Time bends differently when the universe that is my body dictates it
Dear ferocious dreamer. Dear maven of song and surveyor of every flung star. Dear meandering romantic, audacious witness, dear listener with the whole of your covetous heart. Dear listener to the air’s brutal and gorgeous music, soft dancer to ballads...
I know not what to do— My mind is reft. Is song's gift best? Is love's gift loveliest? I know not what to do, Now sleep has pressed Weight on your eyelids.
Shall I break your rest, Devouring, eager? Is love's gift best?— Nay, song's the loveliest. Yet, were you lost, What...
Over and back, the long waves crawl and track the sand with foam; night darkens and the sea takes on that desperate tone of dark that wives put on when all their love is done.
Over and back, the tangled thread falls slack, over and up and on; over and...
Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento. Verdes ramas. El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montaña. Con la sombra en la cintura, ella sueña en su baranda verde carne, pelo verde, con ojos de fría plata. Verde que te quiero verde. Bajo la luna gitana, las...
When I think of you babe, a soft snow falls lightly down my back turning into steam on my full brown thighs. An ocean appears threatening to dash me against the hot sand, spinning me helplessly into the mouth of a hungry sky. Cocaine and weed envy the high you give me unable...
Hunger like her mama
Most strong in White gaze as in
a Cowbird’s flirtation
Sprouted in eyes to tongues
to bellies pregnant with stolen milk
to restless hands
These fingernails filled with Black body,
Green I want you green green wind green branches Boat on the sea and horse on the mountain Shadow on her waist she dreams at her railing green flesh green hair eyes of cold silver Green I want you green Under the gypsy moon things are seeing her but she can’t...
Twelve years old and lovesick, bumbling and terrified for the first time in my life, but strangely hopeful, too, and stunned, definitely stunned—I wanted to cry, I almost started to sob when Chris Klein actually touched me—oh God—below the belt in the back row of the...