Mimi White

Black and white headshot of poet Mimi White.

Mimi White is the author of three collections of poetry: Into The Darkness We Go, The Singed Horizon, which was selected by Robert Creeley as the recipient of the 2000 Philbrick Poetry Award, and The Last Island, which was awarded the 2009 Jane Kenyon Award for Outstanding Poetry. Her poetry has been published in many journals, including Poetry, Harvard Review, West Branch, the Seattle Review, the Worcester Review and Rivendell. White has received a New Hampshire State Fellowship in Poetry, and was Poet Laureate of Portsmouth, New Hampshire from 2005 to 2007.

White has taught writing to students of all ages for over twenty-five years. She has been a member of the faculty at the University of New Hampshire, Northern Essex Community College, and Lesley University. She is a member of Rye, New Hampshire’s Energy Committee, which works to reduce the effects of climate change.