Headshot of writer Joelle Biele with her eyes closed.

Joelle Biele is an essayist, a playwright, and a poet. Her first collection of poetry, White Summer (2002), won the Crab Orchard Review First Book Award. Anne Leahy, reviewing the book for the Journal, described Biele’s vivid and careful writing style as “full of images and full of alternative images. The language is at once sure of itself and slipping out of surety into lushness.”

Biele edited Elizabeth Bishop and The New Yorker: The Complete Correspondence (2011),and her poetry and criticism has appeared in the Antioch Review, Hubbub, the Indiana Review, the Iowa Review, Meridian, Nimrod, and Epoch. Her awards include two Fulbright scholarships as well as prizes from the Maryland State Arts Council and the Poetry Society of America. She has taught at various universities, including the University of Oldenburg in Germany, the Jagiellonian University in Poland, and the University of Maryland. She currently lives in Maryland.