David Livewell

David Livewell is the author of the poetry collection Shackamaxon (Truman State University Press, 2012) His work has appeared widely, including in American Life in PoetryNew CriterionPoetry magazine, Poetry DailyThe Sewanee ReviewSouthwest ReviewThe Hopkins ReviewThe Hudson ReviewThreepenny ReviewVerse Daily, and Yale Review. His poems have also appeared in several anthologies, including Heart of the Order (Persea, 2014), The Practice of Creative Writing: A Guide for Students (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2013), and Common Wealth (Penn State University Press, 2006).

Livewell’s awards include the T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry (2012), a Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize Finalist, a New Jersey State Council on the Arts Poetry Fellowship, and the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize. He lives in Philadelphia, where he teaches poetry at La Salle University.