From this Issue
It needn’t be tinder, this juncture of the year,
a cigarette second guessed from car to brush.
The woods’ parchment is given
to cracking asunder the first puff of wind.
Yesterday a big sycamore came across First
and Hawthorne and is there yet.
a cigarette second guessed from car to brush.
The woods’ parchment is given
to cracking asunder the first puff of wind.
Yesterday a big sycamore came across First
and Hawthorne and is there yet.

Table of Contents
- Conor O'Callaghan
- Aaron Poochigian
- John Ashbery
- Michael Chitwood
- Mark Wunderlich
- Kathryn Starbuck
- Leslie Williams
- Mark Irwin
- Carol Frost
- Dave Lucas
- Katy Didden
- Harry Clifton
- Seth Abramson
- Fanny Howe
- C. K. Williams
- Jason Guriel
- Paul Drabkin
- Mark Soifer
- Geof Huth
- Gloria Powell
- Kathy Fitzgerald
- Melissa Wirsig
- David Bachelor
- Seth Abramson
- John Ashbery
- David Bachelor
- Michael Chitwood
- Harry Clifton
- Katy Didden
- Paul Drabkin
- Kathy Fitzgerald
- Carol Frost
- Jason Guriel
- Fanny Howe
- Geof Huth
- Mark Irwin
- Dave Lucas
- Conor O'Callaghan
- Aaron Poochigian
- Gloria Powell
- Mark Soifer
- Kathryn Starbuck
- Leslie Williams
- C. K. Williams
- Melissa Wirsig
- Mark Wunderlich