From this Issue

Table of Contents
Homage to Audubon
- John Peale Bishop
- Louise Bogan
- R. P. Blackmur
Facing the Day
- Stephen Stepanchev
Two Poems
- Delmore Schwartz
- Sydney S. Salt
Past and Present
- Richmond Lattimore
- Mary Littledale
The Season Turns
- Alice Gustava Smith
- Lola Pergament
The Faithful Shadow
- Winona Montgomery Gilliland
Two Poems
- Mary N. S. Whiteley
- Henry W. Rago
The Immutable Transit
- Beatrice Goldsmith
- Marianne Moore
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Robert Penn Warren
- Horace Gregory
- C. A. Millspaugh
- Ben Belitt
- Henry W. Rago
- Elsa Gidlow
- Ben Belitt
- Matthew Biller
- John Peale Bishop
- R. P. Blackmur
- Louise Bogan
- Elsa Gidlow
- Winona Montgomery Gilliland
- Beatrice Goldsmith
- Horace Gregory
- Richmond Lattimore
- Mary Littledale
- C. A. Millspaugh
- Marianne Moore
- Lola Pergament
- Henry W. Rago
- Sydney S. Salt
- Delmore Schwartz
- Alice Gustava Smith
- Stephen Stepanchev
- Robert Penn Warren
- Mary N. S. Whiteley
- Morton Dauwen Zabel