On the Decline of Oracles

Inside a ruined temple the broken statue of a god spoke a mysterious language.
–Giorgio de Chirico

My father kept a speckled conch 
By two bronze bookends of ships in sail, 
And as I listened its cold teeth seethed 
With voices of that ambiguous sea 
Old Böcklin missed, who held a shell 
To hear the sea he could not hear. 
What the seashell spoke to his inner ear 
He knew, but no peasants know.

My father died, and when he died 
He willed his books and shell away; 
The books burned up, sea took the shell, 
But I, I keep the voices he 
Set in my ear, and in my eye 
The sight of those blue, unseen waves 
For which the ghost of Böcklin grieves. 
The peasants feast and multiply

And never need see what I see. 
In the Temple of Broken Stones, above 
A worn curtain, rears the white head 
Of a god or madman. Nobody knows 
Which, or dares ask.  From him I have 
Tomorrow's gossip and doldrums. So much 
Is vision good for: like a persistent stitch 
In the side, it nags, is tedious.

Straddling a stool in the third-floor window-
Booth of the Alexandra House 
Over Petty Cury, I regard 
With some fatigue the smoky rooms 
Of the restaurant opposite; see impose 
Itself on the cook at the steaming stove 
A picture of what's going to happen. I've
To wait it out. It will come. It comes:

Three barely-known men are coming up 
A stair: this veils both stove and cook. 
One is pale, with orange hair; 
Behind glasses the second's eyes are blurred; 
The third walks leaning on a stick 
And smiling. These trivial images 
Invade the cloistral eye like pages 
From a gross comic strip, and toward

The happening of this happening 
The earth turns now. In half an hour 
I shall go down the shabby stair and meet, 
Coming up, those three. Worth
Less than present, past—this future. 
Worthless such vision to eyes gone dull 
That once descried Troy's towers fall, 
Saw evil break out of the north.

Copyright Credit: Sylvia Plath, “On the Decline of Oracles” from Poetry  vol. 94, no. 6, September 1959. 
Source: Poetry (September 1959)