From “It Was Summer”

black and white illustration that says "It was summer"
black and white illustration of two people around fire that says "the time for communing with the great spirit"
black and white illustration of person and above it says "for beseeching his pity"
black and white illustration that says "and seeking visions"
black and white illustration that says "pileated woodpecker shadow"
black and white illustration that says "leaping to a tree"
black and white illustration that says homesick snake panic
black and white illustration that says "did the white flower die"
black and white illustration that says "water's not wet"
black and white illustration that says "But everything it touches"
black and white illustration of bird that says swallows aren't shy
black and white illustration of two people that says "can you hear their babies"
black and white illustration of a buzzard and cow that says "a ragged buzzard over a sleeping cow"
black and white illustration that says a pedal steel knife stuck in a wet melon
black and white illustration that says high on the border a disoriented child cries
black and white illustration of a man carrying someone that says "i bring her down because she is mine"

Sequence begins with a quotation from Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown.