A.F. Moritz Responds
BY A. F. Moritz
I thank Don Jones for his keen riposte. It so happens that it’s an argument anticipated, if tacitly, in the essay itself and represents an attitude that can be said to be one of the essay’s concerns. So I’m content simply to ask the reader whose attention is caught by Jones’s letter, but who has not seen the essay, to read the essay also and judge between the two positions and the reasonings presented for them.
A. (Albert) F. Moritz is the author of more than 15 books of poetry; he has received the Award in Literature from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, the Relit Award (for Night Street Repairs, named the best book of poetry published in Canada in 2005), an Ingram Merrill Fellowship, and a fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation. A Canadian citizen, Moritz was born in Ohio and …