Letter from Poetry Magazine

Letter to the Editor

BY Michael Farry

Originally Published: February 21, 2008

Dear Editor,

I presume this is the nth e-mail you've received pointing out that Thomas Moore, the Irish poet (Moore's Melodies), is not the same person as Thomas More who coined the term "Utopia," a mistake made on the magazine's podcast with reference to the phrase in italics in the first line of Fiona Sampson's "After the Air Tattoo": "All in the stilly night." Thomas Moore actually has "Oft in the stilly night" in his poem. Is she also referencing the first line of the Katharine Tynan Hinkson (also Irish) poem "Sheep and Lambs"—"All in the April evening"?

Anyway, it was an excellent podcast, so I bought the magazine when I saw it in Borders in Dublin. Loved the issue, great mix of material: I may even subscribe!