Tares, by R. S. Thomas
[Norman MacCaig, Ted Hughes, Robert Graves]
Poems, by A. D. Hope
The Many Named Beloved, by Samuel Menashe
Collected Poems, by Ronald Bottrall
Versions from Fyodor Tyutchev (Tr. by Charles Tomlinson and Henry Gifford)
Five Centuries of Polish Poetry, by Jerzy Peterkiewicz and Burns Singer
More Poems, by Robert Graves
Legends and Pastorals, by Graham Hough
Late Poems, by Austin Clarke
Poems in Scots and English, by William Soutar
Poems and Translations, by Thomas Kinsella
The Nature of Cold Weather, by Peter Redgrove
The Sun My Monument, by Laurie Lee
My Sad Captains, by Thom Gunn
Poetry Today and An Anthology of Modern Verse 1940-60 (Ed.), by Elizabeth Jennings
A Sequence for Francis Parkman and New and Selected Poems, by Donald Davie
Poets and Mushrooms: A Retrospect of British Poetry in 1961

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.
Source: Poetry (May 1962)
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