Far Eastern Chronicle
By Roy E. Teele
The Interior Landscape: Love Poems from a Classical Tamil Anthology (Tr. by A. K. Ramanujan)
By Roy E. Teele
Sanskrit Poetry from Vidyakara's "Treasury" (Tr. by Daniel H. H. Ingalls)
By Roy E. Teele
Superior Poems of Our Time, by Fujiwara Teika (Tr. by Robert H. Brower and Earl Miner)
By Roy E. Teele
Tales of Ise: Lyrical Episodes from Tenth-Century Japan (Tr. by Helen Craig McCullough)
By Roy E. Teele
The Murmuring Stream: The Life and Works of Hsieh Ling-Yun, by J. D. Frodsham
By Roy E. Teele
One Hundred and One Chinese Poems (Tr. by Shih Shun Liu)
By Roy E. Teele

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Source: Poetry (June 1969)
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