It Catches My Heart in Its Hands, by Charles Bukowski
Poet as Bad Guy, by Ron Offen
Hermes Past the Hour, by Judson Crews
The World of the Lie, by Ron Loewinsohn
Unfair Arguments with Existence: Seven Plays for a New Theater, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Mirandum, by Vincent Ferrini
The Twenty-Third of Love, by Mason Jordan Mason
The New Handbook of Heaven, by Diane di Prima
Seven Poets and a Playwright
The Poet Kao Ch'i, 1336-1374, by F. W. Mote
By Harry Strickhausen
Shakespeare: A Biography, by Peter Quennell
By Harry Strickhausen
The Religious Sonnets of Dylan Thomas: A Study in Imagery and Meaning, by H. H. Kleinman
By Harry Strickhausen
The Poetry of W. H. Auden: The Disenchanted Island, by Monroe K. Spears
By Harry Strickhausen
Swifter than Reason: The Poetry and Criticism of Robert Graves, by Douglas Day
By Harry Strickhausen
The Loyalties of Robinson Jeffers, by Radcliffe Squires
By Harry Strickhausen
Recent Criticism
By Harry Strickhausen

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Source: Poetry (July 1964)
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