Cold Water, by Lou Lipsitz
By Barry Spacks
Stresses in the Peaceable Kingdom, by Stephen Sandy
By Barry Spacks
The Darkest Continent, by Jack Marshall
By Barry Spacks
Hunt in an Unmapped Interior and Other Poems and Canticle for Electronic Music, by J. Michael Yates
By Barry Spacks
Four Poets
By Barry Spacks
Barbarous Knowledge: Myth in the Poetry of Yeats, Graves, and Muir, by Daniel Hoffman
By Bruce Cutler
The New Poets: American and British Poetry Since World War II, by M. L. Rosenthal
By Bruce Cutler
T. S. Eliot: Moments and Patterns, by Leonard Unger
By Bruce Cutler
Theodore Roethke: An Introduction to the Poetry, by Karl Malkoff
By Bruce Cutler
W. B. Yeats: Man and Poet, by Norman Jeffares
By Bruce Cutler
Introductions and Conclusions
By Bruce Cutler

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.
Source: Poetry (April 1968)
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