Baseball, by George Bowering
The Experience of Literature (Ed. by Lionel Trilling)
The Congresswomen of Aristophanes (Tr. by Douglass Parker)
Sixty Poems of Martial (Tr. by Dudley Fitts)
Poems after Martial (Tr. by Philip Murray)
I Do Best Alone at Night,by Gunnar Ekelf(Ed. and tr. by Robert Bly with Christina Paulson)
Poems for People Who Don't Read Poems, by Hans Magnus Enzensberger (Tr. by Michael Hamburger, Jerome Rothenberg, and the author)
Visions of Christ, by Rainer Maria Rilke (Ed. by Siegfried Mandel) (Tr. by Aaron Kramer)
Poems from the German (Ed. by Helen Plotz)
Poems from France (Ed. by William Jay Smith)
The Penguin Book of Modern Verse in Translation (Ed. by George Steiner)
Bean Spasms, by Ted Berrigan and Ron Padgett
The Buddha Uproar, by John Tagliabue
The Shapes of Nature
Word Alchemy, by Lenore Kandel
Water I Slip Into at Night and 25 Stages of My Spine, by Margaret Randall
Not Only That, by Carroll Arnett
Sled Hill Voices, by Aram Saroyan
Waking Up Still Pickled, by Geof Hewitt
The Binnacle, by Robert Peterson
What the Grass Says, by Charles Simic
O'Ryan, by Charles Olson
Covenants, by Robert Stock
The Marches, by James Scully
So Long at the Fair, by Miller Williams
Body Rags, by Galway Kinnell

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Source: Poetry (December 1968)
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