I Want to Read at the White House

I want to read at the white house.
I want to read poems at the white house.
I want to read poems at the white house with all the pomp available.
With celebratory music and all my beloveds watching.
With Baraka and DiPrima and Roque Dalton behind me
I want to read at the white house.
I want to read poems at the white house wearing my favorite clothes probably a hoodie or perhaps my Belgian suit.
Belgium is a failed state in the heart of Europe which is something to aspire to.
I like Belgium and one day I might like to read poems at the palace of the nation but for now I want to read poems at the white house.
I want to read poems and sing karaoke and I will probably tell a few nervous jokes.
It will be like all the other readings.
We will be there together.
I want to read poems at the white house and then like any house reading we will all clean up together.
We will clean up the mess we have made together.
All that rubble and all those ashes. These are my conditions.

Copyright Credit: Joshua Clover, "I Want to Read at the White House." Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Clover. Used by permission of the author for PoetryNow, a partnership between the Poetry Foundation and the WFMT Radio Network.
Source: PoetryNow (2017)