Where the Blue Begins

In the southern Adriatic, where the blue begins,   
We came to rest awhile and play
On sun-drenched islands known as Tremiti,   
Where the breeze blows fresh
And pine trees shiver and the salt sea   
Washes the likes of you and me,
In the southern Adriatic, in the wind-blown spray.   
In the bluest water, just where it begins,   
We came to play awhile, came to rest   
On rocky shores of barren coves,
As the swells arrived and water splashed
And reflected sunlight jumped and shimmered   
Among the cliffs and overhangs and grottoes,   
In the Adriatic, where that sort of thing begins.   
In the clear blue water that the swells bring by   
Out of the sunny Adriatic Sea,
We came to rest and play and bathe ourselves,   
As the pine trees swayed on the bluffs above   
And wind dispersed the salt sea spray,
In the sunny Adriatic, where a way of life begins.   
We came seeking an immersion, to find ourselves   
In waters clear enough to fathom
A bottom profoundly blue, to see it seemed   
All the way to Greece or any other site
That water washed as well or sun could so ignite,   
Came to see ourselves in a world of dreams,   
That words might furnish what place implies,   
That place might finish what a word begins.   
We came seeking clearest water, sunniest sky,   
Came, you and I, to see what would be seen   
Immersed in waters consummately blue,   
In sunlit swells that carried their dark secret,   
Tiny hosts known as meduse, whose fragile arms
Glanced and stung and burned all day
And raised the blush that blossomed on our skins,   
Aggravated by the sun and spray,
By our own attempts to hold each other,
As we swam out of ourselves and were swept away,   
In the southern Adriatic, where the blue begins.

Copyright Credit: George Bradley, “Where the Blue Begins” from Terms to be Met. Copyright © 1986 by George Bradley. Reprinted with the permission of Yale University Press.
Source: Terms to be Met (Yale University Press, 1986)