In the Museum at Teheran

a sentimental curator has placed   
two fragments of bronze Grecian   
    heads together boy

and girl so that the faces black-
ened by the three thousand years of   
    desert sand & sun

seem to be whispering something   
that the Gurgan lion & the wing-
    ed dog of Azerbaijan

must not hear but I have heard   
them as I hear you now half way   
    around the world

so simply & so quietly more like
a child than like a woman making   
    love say to me in

that soft lost near and distant voice   
I’m happy now I’m happy oh don’t   
    move don’t go away.

Copyright Credit: James Laughlin, “In the Museum at Teheran” from Poems New and Selected. Copyright © 1996 by James Laughlin. Reprinted with the permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
Source: Poems New and Selected (1998)