Fun and Games with a Sphere

Last night I cut off an arm
and gave it to a poor woman.
Then I cut off the other arm ––
gave that to her too.
So now I have no arms. Ha ha ha.

Early this morning I cut off both legs
and gave them to a nearby idler.
Now I’m legless. Ha ha ha.
I wonder though:
What the hell am I doing? Ha ha ha.

This morning I gave up my torso
to a lion in the zoo.
So now I have
no shoulder-blades. No navel, either.
No lungs.What's more, no spleen or liver. Ha ha ha.

It can’t be helped. Now I'm nothing
but a head, nothing but a head,
nothing but a head. Ha ha ha.

A bald monk from Chogye Temple
kicks my head away.
Of l go, spinning merrily.
Another bald monk pokes at me with his head
I soar up high
then down I fall, plunk.
World games! Global games! Ha ha ha.
Just look at this!
With one single butt I’ll send the earth,
this helpless earth astray
off course, off its tracks. I'll send this world off
to vanish forever into some outer space void.

Copyright Credit: Ko Un, "Fun and Games with a Sphere" from Songs for Tomorrow: A Collection of Poems 1960-2002. Copyright © 2008 by Ko Un. Reprinted by permission of Green Integer.