
Toasts and Celebrations

Poems to celebrate successes, salute loved ones, and offer thanks for life’s blessings, big and small.

BY The Editors

Illustration/gif of a person holding up a champagne glass in celebration with a crowd.
Illustration by James Heimer.
Poems For Giving Toasts
  • A quiet mind, a strong body, short hours
       In the office; close friends who speak the truth;
         Good food, cooked simply; a memory that’s rich
  • We had better empty the wine-cups.
    To-morrow, at bright dawn, the world’s business will entangle us.
    • Jet

      Tony Hoagland
    and it is good, a way of letting life
    out of the box, uncapping the bottle
    to let the effervescence gush
    through the narrow, usually constricted neck.
    • poetry-magazine


      Muriel Rukeyser
    To celebrate the waking, wake.
    Burn in the daylong light;
  • I feel the earth move sunward,
    I join the great march onward
  •                                       Be of good-cheer,

    my father says, lifting his glass to greet
    a morning in which he's awake to be
    with the birds: or up all night in the sleep
    of the world, alive again, singing.
Poems Of Praise And Celebration
Odes To The Little Things
  •             I close my eyes, hear myself
    moan, so grateful to be held this way.
  •                                                    Let us praise them  
    in all of their varieties, some skinny  
    as the bands of headphones, some rising  
  •                 to live and work
    so hard
    God’s love
    washes right through you
  •                                               Season of
    joy for the bee. The green will never
    again be so green,
  • yours
    was the only shape left
    with purpose or direction
  • toes pointing, a smile steeped
    in ceremony, a celebration,
Seize The Day
  • Where we can ponder, celebrate, and reshape
    Not only what we are, where we are from,
    But what in the risk and moment of our day
    We may become.
  • Now, in a breath, before we, too, grow old,
       We'll mount and sing and spread immortal sails.
    • poetry-magazine


      Fernando Pessoa
    In each thing, be all. Give all you are
             In the least you ever do.
  • Eat thou and drink; to-morrow thou shalt die.