
Time & Brevity

Showing 1-20 of 1,982 results
  • Poem
    Translated By Daniel Owen
    December is a straight ruler, very straight,
    and broken in its straightness. A break
    hidden in its fracture, a break that
    sees silence from its fracture.

    And wind, and what groans below a ruler,
    and speaking, and tomorrow—JanuaryJanuary—will
    come along a past path. A path that...
  • Poem
    Translated By Daniel Owen
    Desember adalah penggaris yang lurus, lurus sekali,
    dan putus dalam kelurusannya. Putus yang
    tersembunyi dalam patahannya sendiri, putus yang
    melihat kesunyian dari patahannya sendiri.

    Dan angin, dan yang mengerang di bawah penggaris,
    dan berkata, dan besok—JanuariJanuari—akan
    datang melalui jalur yang lalu. Jalur dengan bau
    rempah-rempah, gula, kopi,...
  • Poem
    By Irina Ratushinskaya
    I know it won't be received
    Or sent. The page will be
    In shreds as soon as I have scribbled it.
    Later. …
  • Poem
    By Li-Young Lee
    Li-Young, don’t feel lonely
    when you look up
    into great night and find
    yourself the far face peering
  • Poem
    By William Butler Yeats
    The unpurged images of day recede;
    The Emperor's drunken soldiery are abed;
    Night resonance recedes, night-walkers' song
    After great cathedral gong;
    A starlit or a moonlit dome disdains
    All that man is,
    All mere complexities,
    The fury and the mire of human veins.

    Before me floats an image,...
  • Poem
    By William Butler Yeats

    I walk through the long schoolroom questioning;
    A kind old nun in a white hood replies;
    The children learn to cipher and to sing,
    To study reading-books and history,
    To cut and sew, be neat in everything
    In the best modern way—the children's eyes
    In momentary...
  • Poem
    By William Butler Yeats
    The light of evening, Lissadell,
    Great windows open to the south,
    Two girls in silk kimonos, both
    Beautiful, one a gazelle.
    But a raving autumn shears
    Blossom from the summer's wreath;
    The older is condemned to death,
    Pardoned, drags out lonely years
    Conspiring among the ignorant.
    I know not...
  • Poem
    By Milan Děžinský
    Translated By Nathan Fields
    It is sixty-five years since Hiroshima,
    they write. Should one cup a handful of water from a river,
  • Poem
    By Brenda Hillman
    Having stopped using dolphins to locate explosives in the Cold War
    they had 30 leftover dolphins.
    An officer…
  • Poem
    By W. S. Merwin
    Late in May as the light lengthens
    toward summer the young goldfinches
    flutter down through the day for…
  • Poem
    By James Joyce
    Frail the white rose and frail are
    Her hands that gave
    Whose soul is sere and paler
    Than time's wan wave…
  • Poem
    By Julia Fiedorczuk
    Translated By Bill Johnston
    From within my bodily singularity
    I play at sending out gentle sunbeams.
    I don't believe in myself, but…
  • Poem
    By Ada Limón
    I pass the feeder and yell, Grackle party! And then an hour later I yell, Mourning dove afterparty! (I call the feeder the party and the seed on the ground the afterparty.) I am getting so good at watching that...
  • Poem
    By Tilsa Otta
    Una estrella cayó al suelo y rebotó en la sombra del sol
    Evoco esta escena cuando me asaltan temores …
  • Poem
    By Tilsa Otta
    Translated By Farid Matuk
    A star fell to the ground and bounced in the shadow of the sun
    I think of this scene when I’m taken by…
  • Poem
    By CAConrad
    Frank’s sister grew long blue feathers

    she said it was worse than cutting teeth

    she spent a month screaming in the cave
    pushing them out

    Frank would lie in bed at night
    touching his own back


    praying it wouldn’t
    come to him

    but the day his sister flew...

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