
Humor & Satire

Showing 1-20 of 596 results
  • Poem
    By Russell Atkins
    The probability in the yard:

    The rodent keeps the cat close by;

    The cat would sharp at the bird;

  • Poem
    By Joshua Seigal
    I don’t like similes.Every time I try to think of onemy brain feels like a vast, empty desert;my eyes…
  • Poem
    By Aram Saroyan
    “ # $ % _ & ‘  (  )  *  !
    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -  ¾ Q W E R T Y U I O P ¼
    q w e r t y u i o p ½ A S D F G…
  • Poem
    By CAConrad
    “this is your
    captain” Frank says from the cockpit

    “all passengers wishing to bail out
    any time during our flight


    I have shredded the parachutes to confetti
    in celebration of our arrival”
  • Poem
    By CAConrad
    Mother was angry when
    Frank accused his brother
    of being a cartoon

    “but look!” Frank said
    “I can fold him
    into airplanes!
    I can chew him
    into spitballs!”

    “stop chewing and folding your brother!
    he loves you very much!” she said

    “then why doesn’t he say so?”


    we can’t afford a
  • Poem
    By Amy Clampitt
    The lit night glares like a day-glo strawberry,
    the stakeout car beside the hydrant is full of feds,
    and the ikon of our secret hero(ine?), atop the
    feckless funnypaper mesa we try to live in, is that
    poor dumb indestructible super-loser Krazy Kat.

    O Innocence,...
  • Poem
    By Corey Zeller
    Sam Kinison died on his back on the side of a highway seemingly talking to God. Richard Pryor’s family and friends, thinking Pryor was dead after setting himself on fire, jumped over the fence of his compound in California and...
  • Poem



    By D. A. Powell
    Said my illness
    I’m tired of being
    serious all the
    time I don’t
    like how you
    treat me like
    we haven’t shared
    the same apartments
    for eighteen years
    long enough to be…
  • Poem


    The Language of Joy

    By Jacqueline Allen Trimble
    Black woman joy is like this:
    Mama said one day long before I was born
    she was walking down the street,
    foxes around her neck, their little heads
    smiling up at her and out at the world
    and she was wearing this suit she had...
  • Poem
    By Paul Muldoon
    I’ll be the Road Runner
    To your Wile E Coyote
    I’ll take you in my stride
    I’ll be a Sancho Panza
    To your Don Quixote
    Your ever faithful guide

    I’ll stand by you in the lists
    With our market strategists
    I’ll be your sideman, baby,
    I’ll be by your...
  • Poem
    By Alberto Ríos

    Pies have a reputation.
    And it’s immediate —no talk of potential

    Regarding a pie. It’s good
    Or it isn’t, but mostly it is—sweet, very sweet

    Right then, right there, blue and red.
    It can’t go to junior college,

    Work hard for the grades,
    Work two jobs on...
  • Poem
    By Dan Vera
    I will tell you why she rarely ventured from her house. 
    It happened like this:

    One day she took the train to Boston,
    made her way to the darkened room,
    put her name down in cursive script
    and waited her turn. 

    When they read her name...
  • Poem
    By Marcus Wicker
                  The thing about facing your fears head on
    is it only really works on TV. As an example, let’s say
                  a clawfoot bathtub teeming with arachnids

    is your garden...
  • Poem


    Myth of the Mole

    By S.J. Fowler & Max Porter
    I would not have thought I would have needed to say this.

    Once upon a time, there was an English mole. I say mole, I mean vole, or guilty black hole. Not so much a mole as a disaffected young teacher,...
  • Poem
    By Ntozake Shange
         lady in brown 
    de library waz right down from de trolly tracks
    cross from de laundry-mat
    thru de big shinin floors & granite pillars
    ol st. louis is famous for
    i found toussaint
    but not til after months uv
    cajun katie/ pippi longstockin
    christopher robin/ eddie...
  • Poem
    By Wallace Stevens
             The World without Imagination

    Nota: man is the intelligence of his soil,
    The sovereign ghost. As such, the Socrates
    Of snails, musician of...
  • Poem



    By Crisosto Apache
    one day, Coyote sees Duck walking her ducklings,
    Coyote asks her how she keeps them in a straight line,
    Duck says she sews them together
    with white horsetail hair every morning
    and tugs on the line gently,
    until the horsehair disappears,
    that is how she keeps...
  • Poem
    By Darren Sardelli
    The letter A is awesome!
    It simply is the best.
    Without an A, you could not get
    an A+ on a test.
    You’d never see an acrobat
    or eat an apple pie.
    You couldn’t be an astronaut
    or kiss your aunt goodbye.
    An antelope would not exist.
    An ape...
  • Poem
    By Hoa Nguyen
    What if I ate too much food     there being
    Not enough money    immigranty
    And save all the ketchup
                                      packets    George
    Carlin record on the record player saying
    how many ways you can curse and they
    are all funny   (small brown bird with a black
    neck and...

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