

Showing 1-20 of 190 results
  • Poem
    By Jessica Rigney
    It's important she says that summer
    Flatten itself against autumn. That it keep Insisting yes yes it'…
  • Poem
    By Countee Cullen
    If for a day joy masters me,
    Think not my wounds are healed;
    Far deeper than the scars you see,
    I keep the roots concealed.

    They shall bear blossoms with the fall;
    I have their word for this,
    Who tend my roots with rains of gall,
  • Poem
    By Alvin Feinman
    And the light, a wakened heyday of air
    Tuned low and clear and wide,
    A radiance now that would emblaze
    And veil the most golden horn
    Or any entering of a sudden clearing
    To a standing, astonished, revealed . . .

    That the actual streets I...
  • Poem
    By David Tait
    A week of autumn snow, and today the sun,
    the buildings fizzy with melting, the beggar
    draping his sheets over the bank's homeless-spikes.

    My daughter runs under the sycamore trees,
    shouts look its still snowing, its still snowing,
    clumps of old snow falling around her.

  • Poem


    August 15

    By Zakaria Mohammed
    Translated By Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
    I await the end of August and the murder of September.
    I am here, tardy Autumn, waiting for you. I’ve prepared you a wheat porridge and lit a fire. Come with your wind and sweep away the shameless sun. Lift its...
  • Poem
    By May Swenson

    A smudge for the horizon
    that, on a clear day, shows
    the hard edge of hills and
    buildings on the other coast.
    Anchored boats all head one way:
    north, where the wind comes from.
    You can see the storm inflating
    out of the west. A dark hole
  • Poem
    By Annie Finch
    Our voices press
    from us
    and twine
    around the year's
    fermenting wine

    Yellow fall roars
    Over the ground.
    Loud, in the leafy sun that pours
    Liquid through doors,
    Yellow, the leaves twist down

    as the winding
    of the vine
    pulls our curling

    Glowing in wind and change,
    The orange leaf tells

    How one more season...
  • Poem
    By Barbara Crooker
    and the garden diminishes: cucumber leaves rumpled
    and rusty, zucchini felled by borers, tomatoes sparse
    on the vines. But out in the perennial beds, there’s one last
    blast of color: ignitions of goldenrod, flamboyant
    asters, spiraling mums, all those flashy spikes waving
    in the...
  • Poem
    By Joseph Massey
    Sober for once, for what—
    for the words to budge. 

    We spent summer propped up
    by each other's stuttering.

    There are seasons here
    if you squint. And there's

    relief in the landscape's
    sloughed off cusps of color

    fallen over the familiar 
    landmarks, the familiar

    trash—things that last. 
  • Poem
    By John Brandi
    fallen leaves
    the abbot sweeps
    around them 
  • Poem


    Jean Rhys

    By Sandra Lim
    It’s now within
    an hour of sundown of a late
    November afternoon.

    It was a beautiful day,
    the cold burned
    down any indignation.

    What won’t degrade:
    the sick and distant, or near and black,
    bad-natured tides of want.

    Jean Rhys is saying
    If  I could jump out of the window
  • Poem
    By Stacy Szymaszek
    I saw this day coming         class would end       and it would be night
                time to attach         bike lights               tonight I lit my way
    with a cigarette                   
                        I asked if petticoat ding a ling         was a fun bar
  • Poem



    By Antonia Pozzi
    Translated By Amy Newman
    Now you want me to tell you
    a history of fish
    while the lake clouds over?
    But don’t you see
    how thirst beats in the throat
    of the lizards on the crushed leaves?
    On the ground
    autumn’s dead hedgehogs
    have plunged through the periwinkles.
    And you chew
    the parched stalks:
  • Poem
    By Myra Sklarew

             Today the moon sees fit to come between a parched earth
        and sun, hurrying the premature darkness. A rooster in the yard
                cuts off its crowing, fooled into momentary sleep.
                   And soon the Perseid showers, broken...
  • Poem
    By Bradley Trumpfheller
    From up here in the leaves’ no-kidding goldishness
    you’d guess everyone was already in lovely w/ each
    others’ cheekbones. Infinity scarves
    & vanilla coffee, mint tea, warm whatever.
    Cozy becoming the coming-at-the-seams, a couplet
    of verbs mid-bodily inexperience.
    That man doing cartwheels is not wearing a...
  • Poem
    By Wallace Stevens
             The World without Imagination

    Nota: man is the intelligence of his soil,
    The sovereign ghost. As such, the Socrates
    Of snails, musician of...
  • Poem
    By Robert Frost
    Spades take up leaves
    No better than spoons,
    And bags full of leaves
    Are light as balloons.
    I make a great noise
    Of rustling all day
    Like rabbit and deer
    Running away.
    But the mountains I raise
    Elude my embrace,
    Flowing over my arms
    And into my face.
    I may load and...
  • Poem
    By Wallace Stevens
    Life contracts and death is expected,
    As in a season of autumn.
    The soldier falls.
    He does not become a three-days personage,
    Imposing his separation,
    Calling for pomp.
    Death is absolute and without memorial,
    As in a season of autumn,
    When the wind stops,
    When the wind stops and,...
  • Poem
    By Robert Frost
    I came an errand one cloud-blowing evening
    To a slab-built, black-paper-covered house
    Of one room and one window and one door,
    The only dwelling in a waste cut over
    A hundred square miles round it in the mountains:
    And that not dwelt in now by...

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