There Is No Meaning Here

every night
an ancient priest
gives me advice
and in the morning
I’m all alone
with nothing
a universe
I don’t want
to bother you
or to upend
the universe
but your realtors
are getting
a divorce

the dark
is the dark
the wind
the sound
of the ocean
all relative
to the sensitivity
of a tiny
chain of bones
leading up
to or away from
your eardrum

like, you say
this playlist is
really good
and what can
I do but continue
not to listen

I can ignore
can’t get past
the front door

Copyright Credit: Christine Kanownik, "There Is No Meaning Here." Copyright © 2019 by Christine Kanownik. Used by permission of the author for PoetryNow.
Source: PoetryNow, 2019